Link to the livestream of our Veterans Day Program at 10:50 a.m.
Link to order Girls Basketball Apparel:
Pediatric COVID Vaccine Clinic Info:
MS boys basketball practice for today, 11/8, is in the elementary gym. It was supposed to be at the community building.
Kickapoo Elementary basketball camp starts tomorrow, November 6th in the Elementary Gym.
2nd and 3rd grades 8-9:30 a.m.
4th, 5th, and 6th grades 10-11:30 a.m.
FFA Fruit Order Forms are due TOMORROW, Thursday, November 4th, to Mr. Kast.
Thank you so much to everyone who came and supported our Scholastic Book Fair. The fair was well attended and there were many smiles!
Out of the 16 schools in Division 3 that participated at state, our boys and girls teams represented our schools extremely well. We’re all very proud of your efforts and accomplishments.
The boys were 14th and the girls were 4th.
Full results here:
Good luck to the KLF Cross Country teams today at the WIAA State Meet! #KLFCC
Today is the last day to order your 2021-22 yearbooks at the discounted rate of $39. Visit the link below to place your order TODAY!
Tonight's BOE Meeting Link:
Conference and State XC Shirts will be ready to pick up Thursday morning from Mrs. Geary. Shirts must be paid for at the time of pick up.
Just a reminder that tonight's Annual Meeting will be held in the Library at 7:00pm.
Science Club Donation: This morning members from the Richland Electric Cooperative, Dairyland Cooperative and Vernon Electric Cooperative presented a check in the amount of $510 to the Kickapoo physics class for robotics and SeaPerch initiatives.
This donation is being made on behalf of those cooperatives-Touchstone Energy Cooperatives- for the attendance of the Touchstone Energy Hot Air Balloon at the 2021 Horse & Colt Show.
The Touchstone Energy Balloon is designed to provide a highly visible means of demonstrating good corporate citizenship at local civic and philanthropic events. Every day the Balloon is flown, a monetary contribution is made to a local charity on behalf of the sponsoring Touchstone Energy Cooperatives.
State Cross Country Fans, please view this information from the WIAA regarding the meet on Saturday. Also, please contact the HS office for fan bus information. Thanks! #KLFCC
A group of our high school girls were able to attend the Women in STEM Career Day today at UW-Platteville! They got to participate in different activities involving mechanical engineering, computer science and software engineering, industrial engineering, and mathematics. This is such a valuable opportunity to see future career choices involving science, technology, engineering, and math!
Bridging Brighter Smiles is holding their next dental clinic at Kickapoo School District 157 on:
Tuesday, November 02, 2021
It is not too late to enroll! Get your Fall smiles ready!
Sign up online at:
Professional Dental Services Provided Right at School Include:
Oral Screening
Dental Cleaning
Fluoride Varnish Application
Dental Sealant Placement
Silver Diamine Fluoride Application
Oral Health Education
Referral Assistance
Forward Health (BadgerCare) Accepted!
(Other Private Dental Insurance Not Accepted)
Not sure if your child is enrolled, or due for care? Call Bridging Brighter Smiles at 262-896-9891, or email
STATE XC SHIRTS 2021: Please see the link below for information on ordering State XC shirts. Design, sizes and pricing all included in the link.
Orders must be emailed to Mrs. Geary by 3 p.m. TODAY!
MENU CHANGE: There is a menu change for today, Tuesday, October 26th. Instead of tacos, it will be chicken and noodles.
Are you looking for some great holiday gifts? Look no further than the MS/HS Office! Pictures and prices of items available are in the link below. Limited sizes and quantities available.
Call Marla at 627-0100 with any questions or to place an order.