Parents/Guardians: This is a reminder of the upcoming MS/HS choir and band concerts and student art display. The choir concert is tonight at 7:30pm. Students are to arrive by 6:45pm for warm-ups. The band concert is tomorrow, Saturday, at 6:30pm. Students are to arrive by 6:00pm for warm-ups. The student art display will be set up in the cafeteria for you to view. Please remember masks must be worn at all times and 3 people per family unit are allowed to attend. The concert will be livestreamed so check back here for the link. We look forward to celebrating the student's hard work throughout the year!
almost 4 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
May 3 - MS Track Practice & MS Football Practice have been cancelled. Students will be coming home after school.
almost 4 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
May 3 - Softball @ Weston - POSTPONED - Baseball @ Ithaca - POSTPONED - Track @ Crawford - Still on as of now...
almost 4 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
May 3 - Baseball - KLF @ Ithaca - POSTPONED As of right now, Softball @ Weston and Track @ Crawford are still on.
almost 4 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
almost 4 years ago, Kim Johnson
Attached is the flyer for Kickapoo 4K Information
almost 4 years ago, Kim Johnson
Softball Reminder - Please bring a chair if you wish to sit at the softball game. Thanks!
almost 4 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
K/LF MS Track Sweatshirts can be ordered through the following link. Online store closes at midnight on May 6th.
almost 4 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
MS Track Sweatshirts
So proud of these choir student's extra work, creativity, passion, and talent! Solo and Ensemble 2021 Playlist:
almost 4 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
Track and Field Apparel Online Store: The store will close on Monday, April 26. If you have any questions, please email
almost 4 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
Apr 14 BOE Regular Meeting Live Stream Link:
almost 4 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
Reminder: Softball Apparel Online Store for anyone interested:
almost 4 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
almost 4 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
Hello Families! The attached document is our summer school program information. You will be able to register through a link provided in the program or you will have the option to request a paper copy. We are planning 2-two week sessions; June 14-25 and July 12-24. There will be free breakfast and lunch for any child younger than 18 in our district. Please also note that the 4K class will include the screening process during the summer session. There will be no swimming lessons offered this year as Bigley Pool had not confirmed an opening date. There is an addition of a high school science class this year. Note the schedule is different for the high school class. Please plan to register before April 23rd. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me. Thank you, Mrs. Johnson
almost 4 years ago, Kim Johnson
Students wishing to order letter jackets can try one on tomorrow, April 9th at 12:15 p.m. in the AP Room. The Meca rep. will be here with jackets to try on for sizing and answer any questions you may have. You can still order letter jackets after tomorrow, but this will be the only time to try one on.
almost 4 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
Congrats to Spencer Vanek and the KLF football team as Spencer was named the Wisconsin Sports Network 8 Player Football Star of the Week in the KLF 48-34 win at Wonewoc/Weston!
almost 4 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
The Jostens' rep. will be here Tuesday, April 13th at 12:25 p.m. in the cafeteria to hand out graduation cap and gowns. If any senior still owes for them, please bring payment with you.
almost 4 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
The Kickapoo Pool Referendum passes, the count was 373-178
almost 4 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
Canvassing of the Ballots Live Feed 4:30pm:
almost 4 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
Today is Election Day, please vote! The district has the pool referendum on the ballot and we would like to see a high voter turnout. The Wisconsin State Superintendent of Public Instruction is also on the ballot.
almost 4 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools