Just a reminder from the kitchen about meal pick-up today for those that have signed up. Thanks!
over 4 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
MESSAGE FROM NURSE TRISH: If you are considered a contact of a positive Covid case, please read the information in this link https://5il.co/n2oj . If you are on quarantine or isolation, please follow the guidelines. I am also available to help answer any questions or concerns you may have.
over 4 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
Elementary Parents (or anyone else) If you would like to get back on the meal pick up list for next week, please contact Melissa and let her know by noon Friday. Thanks!
over 4 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
With Covid case counts in both of our counties rising again, the district will again move to the full virtual model of instruction at all levels starting November 16th. We will continue to communicate with our local health department and monitor the data to inform the community of when we can return the elementary students to in-person learning. Last week's report from Vernon county showed that 59% of positive cases could not identify where they acquired the illness which is indicative of wide community spread of the virus. Increased community spread of the virus combined with an approximate 60% increase in total cases across the two counties over the last two weeks, has led us to believe that moving back to a virtual model of instruction is the safest course of action. The administration will monitor the case counts over the next two weeks, we need to see case counts come down towards 50 per 10K (please see the Covid tracker on our website which is updated every Thursday) in order to bring the elementary back into school. If case counts remain high, and results in a more prolonged virtual environment, the district is also working on a plan to deliver meals once a week to families who sign up. In the event that this happens please expect more communication around potential food delivery and sign up next week.
over 4 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
WRESTLING CLOTHING ORDER INFORMATION: The online wrestling clothing store closes the 30th of Nov. at midnight. People should have the option to have their clothes sent to their home or to the school. https://kickapoowr20.itemorder.com/sale Any questions, contact Coach Clements!
over 4 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
Link for tonight's BOE Regular Meeting: https://youtu.be/OT8TqtGzvdc
over 4 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
We are excited to present the final piece that our choir worked on for the fall season. Knowing we would not be able to have an in-person Veterans Day celebration, the middle school sang and created artwork to show our unfailing support for America's finest. Thank you for your service! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ld4z0bc5un8
over 4 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
This week the number of Covid cases in our communities rose again. 300 total cases over the last two weeks in the two counties. We committed to bring back the elementary students for two weeks. We will continue with our instructional model next week, but the trend of lower cases has reversed. The Vernon County two week case count was the highest it has ever been.
over 4 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
At the last school board meeting the board and administration were investigating the possibility of a two question pool referendum for the spring ballot. Legal advice has indicated that the linking of the two questions as discussed at that meeting, is not allowable because each referendum question must stand on its own. The board has a potential referendum and pool design on the agenda for the November 9th school board meeting.
over 4 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
The Cross Country state competitors bus will be escorted through Viola at 6:15pm and La Farge at 6:30pm. Please State Qualifers only at the school and on the bus, all others should be in Viola or La Farge. Thank you Viola & LF Fire Depts! @lafargeschools
over 4 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
Congrats to the Cross Country team on an awesome season! 3rd place as a girls team, a Bronze Medal to Anelise Egge, and 10th place to Autumn Jacks to round out the podium in the D3 state meet! Full results https://www.wiaawi.org/Sports/Fall/Girls-Cross-Country/Tournament
over 4 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
Heat 1 winnner, Anelise Egge! Won’t know final results until the other two heats are complete later today! #klfcc @wiaawistate @lafargeschools
over 4 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
And they’re off!!! @wiaawistate @lafargeschools #klfcc State CC 2020! Go KLF!!
over 4 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
Happy Halloween! #klfcc Here we come @wiaawistate We have our State Cross County Runner costumes on and are ready to run! @lafargeschools
over 4 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
State CC Morning
Bus to State
CC Team on WKBT News 8000! Good luck tomorrow runners! #klfcc @lafargeschools
over 4 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
Virtual Pep Rally - State Cross County 2020! #klfcc @lafargeschools @wiaawistate https://youtu.be/DNnTsiteJTU
over 4 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
Cross Country tickets are sold out! Go KLF CC!
over 4 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
Extra State CC Tickets - We have very few extra tickets. Students of Kickapoo or La Farge have until 11:00am to email Mr. Petersen or Mr. Camlek to let them know they want a ticket. First come first served. At 11:00am, any left over tickets will be available to anyone. #klfcc
over 4 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
Anyone who ordered Cross Country apparel from Mrs. Geary & would like to pick it up today, please contact her through Facebook Messenger or her school email, which is available in the directory. Thanks!
over 4 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools