Parents - Please note the Covid exclusions flow chart that has been posted in the Covid 19 section of our website.  It is critical to understand that if students show any of the Covid symptoms they will be out of school for 10 days and 24 hours symptom free before coming back, or be out until they have a negative Covid test and are 24 hours symptom free.  During the timeframe that students will be excluded from personally attending school, they will be required to attend virtually unless their illness prevents them from doing so.  If students are too ill to attend, virtually, please notify your child's building level secretary.
over 4 years ago, Aaron Mithum
To students who are attending virtually, please be patient with the technology glitch. We have our IT company working on a solution, it was difficult to replicate all of the in -house technology working at the same time until all students were here and connected. We thought we had anticipated most of the challenges, we are working on a fix!
over 4 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
Day 1 6-12 In Person students *Reminder no Virtual students on Friday. Welcome back! When you arrive tomorrow you will be given a pack of masks as you enter the building. (If you didn't already get them on the bus) If you plan on eating breakfast you will need to eat in the gym or the all purpose room. Please report to your first hour class where you will have a chromebook waiting for you to log into skyward and double check your schedule. Please do not report to the office before first hour for any scheduling questions, but rather email Mr. Donovan who will be in contact during the day. Please be reminded to observe social distancing and have your mask on unless you are eating. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Aaron Mithum
Scholarship Recipients: Please submit all your documentation for Fall Semester ASAP. Scholarship checks will be processed soon. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
Please refrain from using the track for walking or running until further notice, the surface is being applied!
over 4 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
Elementary Virtual Student Pick Up Info: Pick up Chromebooks (Grades 4-5) and materials in your classrooms at the following times: 9 a.m. Kind. & 3rd grade, 10 a.m. 1st and 4th grades, 11 a.m. 5th and 2nd grades. 4K families will be contacted by Mrs. Mueller. Students should come at the above times with one parent. Everyone will need to wear a mask at all times. Please contact Mrs. Johnson at 627-0163 if you cannot make the above times.
over 4 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
Parents: if you haven't done your online registration, please do so. This must be done for every child. How do you do it? Go to , click on MENU, STUDENTS, SKYWARD ACCESS. You will be asked for your login and password. If you do not know it, please call/email Marla Randall at or 627-0100 or Melissa Wiegel at or 627-0107. ONLINE REGISTRATION will show up on the first screen. Please fill out all the steps that are required.
over 4 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
Just a reminder about 2020-2021 Athletic Registration:
over 4 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
6 - 12th grade Chromebook pick up on 8/12 Please enter through the AP / Cafeteria room doors. You will pick up your chromebook/materials and report to the auditorium for further information. Please make sure you wear a mask. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Aaron Mithum
6th Grade Orientation Video:
over 4 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
over 4 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
Cheerleading tryouts scheduled for Wednesday, August 12th and Thursday, August 13th are postponed. More information to follow.
over 4 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
YouTube link for tonight's BOE Meeting:
over 4 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
6th grade students can access their schedule by going to, click on MENU, STUDENTS, SKYWARD ACCESS, enter your login which will be FIRSTNAME.LASTNAME and your password will be blue, you will be asked to change it right awaythen click on your schedule to view it. Parents: your Skyward Family Access is set up the same way, If you don't remember your password or have any questions, please call/email Marla Randall at 627-0100 or for assistance.
over 4 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
Textbooks, Materials Return Students - Please make sure you bring back any textbooks, etc. from last year that you did not return last spring. (Virtual students please do this on Wednesday when you come in and in person students on Friday.) Getting these materials back is critical as we start the year. Any materials not returned will be added to the student fine list.
over 4 years ago, Aaron Mithum
FYI - Mask Handout All students will be given a pack of 5 cloth masks on their first day of school. They will be dispersed when virtual students get their chromebooks, before students get on the bus, and as students come into the building. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Aaron Mithum
Please note - Change in times for Virtual Students to Pick up Chromebooks & materials in the Auditorium on 8/12. Due to an increase of previous numbers 6/7th will now be at 9:00 and 8th at 10:00. Students will receive chromebooks and classroom materials as well as be presented with basic training info to virtual learning. 9:00am - 6th & 7th Grade 10:00am - 8th Grade 11:00am - 9th & 10th Grade 1:00pm - 11th & 12th Grade If you can not make the above times, please contact Mr. Mithum @ 627-0103. Students should come at the above times and bring one parent. Chromebooks and materials will be on the tables in the AP room. Students can pick them up and go into the auditorium. Everyone will need to wear a mask at all times and observe social distancing with seating in the Auditorium. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Aaron Mithum
Seniors & Juniors: Please check your school email ASAP for important schedule information.
over 4 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
Online Registration is now open until Aug 24. Please log-into Skyward to complete. Please call or email Marla or Melissa for password resets or questions. Thanks!
over 4 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
Any preschool family that is interested in participating in the Meet and Greet on August 6 or 7th and does not already have an appointment, please call Mrs. Mueller at 608-627-0169.
over 4 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools