REMINDER: 2nd and 3rd grade basketball camp is today and tomorrow from 3:20 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
over 5 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
ATTENTION FRESHMEN & PARENTS! Tues., Oct. 29th your student received information about ordering their Class Ring. Please either go online at to design and place your ring order OR turn in your order form at school to our Jostens rep on Tues., Nov. 5th @ 8:45am. QUESTIONS - Please contact Jostens @ 1-800-567-8367 or
over 5 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
ATTENTION SENIORS & PARENTS! Tues., Oct. 29th all Seniors were measured for their caps & gowns and receive information packets for ordering related graduation items (announcements, gear etc.) which should be brought home and REVIEWED WITH PARENT(S). Please make arrangements to have your order form turned in to our Jostens reps @ school on Tues., Nov. 5th @ 8:45am OR ordered on-line at by no later than Nov. 12th to avoid a possible late fee. QUESTIONS-Please contact Jostens @ 1-800-567-8367 or
over 5 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
FAN BUS FOR STATE CC: Marla has sign-up sheet in office. Fan bus will be leaving Kickapoo at 10:30 a.m. No fee to ride but $8 to get in.
over 5 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
PROM DATE HAS BEEN SET: The 2020 KHS Prom will be held on Saturday, May 2nd.
over 5 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
Conference CC shirts are in. Please bring your money this morning and pick them up from Mrs. Geary.
over 5 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
Last minute Winter Sports Physicals - La Farge Clinic has set Wednesday morning this week from 9AM to Noon to help with last minute sports physical before the winter season. Please call ahead to the Clinic.
over 5 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
There has been some confusion about the next cub scout meeting. It will be next Tuesday Nov. 5th at 6pm in Mrs. Goodrich's Room. Please use the upstairs entrance. Her room is upstairs in room B210. Any questions, please contact Mrs. Goodrich at 608-627-0119 or Students who still want to join are welcome to come!
over 5 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
MS Boys Basketball Game will be in the HS gym tomorrow.
over 5 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
The Meca Sportswear representative will be at Kickapoo High School on Friday, October 25th to take orders for Letter Jackets. Jackets can be ordered from 9:30-9:45 in the Cafeteria. An informational letter that explains jacket pricing and the jacket description can be picked up in the office.
over 5 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
The Jostens rep. will be here Tuesday, Oct. 29th at 9:00AM to meet with any high school student wanting to order a class ring. The Jostens rep. will meet with all seniors at 9:15AM to hand out graduation cap and gown information.
over 5 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
It's a great day to #BEEHappy when our very own beekeeper Kristi Deaver presents the process of collecting honey to the 4th grade class.
over 5 years ago, Kim Johnson
Kristi shares a honey tray.
4th Graders learn about honeybees.
Student Jacob joins Kristi in sharing his knowledge.  Great leadership Jacob!
Dental Message
over 5 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
PM 4K REMINDER - Due to the early release on Friday, Oct 18, there will be NO PM 4K.
over 5 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
Kickapoo Panther Winter Coats For Sale: If you are interested in ordering a Kickapoo Panthers winter coat, please see the following order form Ms. Schullo needs orders and payment by October 25th.
over 5 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
Due to Homecoming activities being held on Wednesday, we will postpone voting for Homecoming King and Queen until Thursday at lunch.
over 5 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
For MS/HS Students Running the Tough Mudder on Wed: Please remind students that this is an outdoor course that is meant to challenge them while they complete it. They will get dirty, sweaty, scratched and full of seeds. They should wear clothing that can get ruined in case it does. Also, as little exposed skin as possible would be best because there are thorns and stickers in the woods.
over 5 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
MS/HS Homecoming Activities will take place on WEDNESDAY, OCT 9th instead of Friday due to the weather outlook. HS activities will begin at 2nd Hour and run through the end of the day. MS activities will take place in the afternoon. The Pep Rally will be held Friday at 2:15 p.m.
over 5 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
Attention Kickapoo Grads/Scholarship Recipients - If you graduated in the past 4 years and have not submitted your scholarship verification items for Fall 2019 (or previous semesters), OR you have not contacted us to let us know you are not in school, please contact us ASAP. There are many unclaimed scholarships at this time and we would like to give them to you if you are still enrolled in school & meet the academic qualifications of the scholarship you have waiting for you. Please contact Melissa Wickert at or call 608-627-0104. Thank you!
over 5 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
The Kickapoo School Board will have a special meeting on Wednesday, October 9th at 7pm in the Library, to receive the results of the community survey. This meeting is to listen to School Perceptions to help analyze the results from the 500+ surveys that were returned. No board action will be taken at this meeting.
over 5 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools