Seniors: You will receive your check out sheets on Thursday morning. Locker check-outs will begin at 1:30. Everything must be checked out and all fines paid before graduation. All seniors should be in the gym at 9:00 on Friday.

Congrats to the Boys Track Team as they became 2019 Ridge & Valley Conference Champions tonight!

Make ups from May 9 - HS Softball will not be made up. (No available dates before the tournament). HS Baseball will be made up May 20. MS Softball TBA.

May 9, 2019 - There is no MS Baseball practice. All other practices are on.

May 9, 2019 - [Baseball/Softball - Seneca @ Kickapoo - POSTPONED TBA] [MS Softball - Kickapoo @ Viroqua - POSTPONED TBA]

It's Family Literacy Night at Kickapoo! Thank you to Author Marla McKenna and Mrs. Solverson for sharing their excitement and love of reading with the families of Kickapoo Elementary!

Wed May 8 HS BB practice also cancelled.

Wednesday May 8, 2019 - MS BB, MS SB, MS TR and HS SB practice are cancelled. HS BB and HS TR will practice inside.

There is no HS softball practice tonight. Everyone else has practice.

[HS Track @ Bangor - CANCELLED] [HS Baseball & HS Softball - North Crawford @ Kickapoo - POSTPONED TO MAY 10] [MS Baseball @ Viroqua - CANCELLED]

MS Softball Practice is CANCELED for tonight, April 29. MS Baseball Practice is still on.

Baseball & Softball - North Crawford @ Kickapoo - POSTPONED TO TOMORROW APR 30 (weather permitting)

MS Softball from Apr 25 - Viroqua @ Kickapoo - rescheduled to May 14

Baseball and Softball - Kickapoo @ Weston - From Apr 25 - RESCHEDULED to MAY 7

4-25-19 - MS Softball against Viroqua POSTPONED TBA

4/25/19 - Baseball and Softball at Weston have been POSTPONED TBA.

High School Track meet at North Crawford has been canceled but the high school team will be going to a meet today in Boscobel. Field and running events both start at 4 p.m.

Tuesday April 23 - Although HS Track at North Crawford has been cancelled, we are exploring the possibility of attending a different meet tomorrow, so HS track members need to bring both uniforms and practice clothes.

With the high probability of indoor practice and limited space, MIDDLE SCHOOL BASEBALL PRACTICE and MIDDLE SCHOOL SOFTBALL PRACTICE for today have been cancelled. 4/17/19

Apr 13 - Track @ Cashton - CANCELLED