The rest of the Team Gehrke pizzas may be picked up at 3:30 p.m. today. Thank you for supporting this great cause!

REMINDER: The end of 3rd quarter will be on Wednesday, April 3rd.

WINTER SPORTS BANQUET: Just a reminder that the Winter Sports Banquet will be held on Monday, March 25 at 6 p.m. in the Auditorium.

FFA Apparel For Sale: The Kickapoo FFA is selling apparel through March 25th via an RBS Online Store. Please use the link https://kickapooffa19.itemorder.com/sale to purchase your items. Any questions, please contact Mr. Kast.

Forensics and Track are still on for today, March 16, 2019.

Tonights Drama performance will be postponed. Tomorrow's is still on as of now.

School will be closing at 1:15 today due to rising water

There will be no PM 4K this afternoon, March 15, 2019.

MENU CHANGES: With no school today, the menu has been changed for the rest of the week. You may find the current menu on our web page or the app.

We are closed March 13, many gravel roads are impassable at this time.

School is two hours late for March 13th

HS Softball practice Monday at 6:00am is cancelled.

4th and 5th grade wrestling practice is cancelled for tonight, Friday, March 8th.

A reminder for 5th graders beginning band...There is an informational/rental meeting being held in the elementary cafeteria, this evening, at 6:30pm. If you are unable to attend, please email Mr. Smith. g.smith@kickapoo.k12.wi.us

A reminder that the Juniors will take the ACT test on March 12th. They will be able to leave after everyone has completed the test. Please encourage them to do their best!

Cheerleading Tryouts: Tryouts for next year's Fall and Winter squads will be held this week. Wednesday and Thursday will be practices and tryouts will be Friday after school. Any questions, please see Mrs. Martin.

The boys played well tonight but lost 54-48 to Wauzeka. Congratulations to the coaches and players on a great game and season.

It is Read Across America Day today! Remember the theme is Books and Badges! You will see many police officers in the building this morning...to encourage reading!!

5th grade boys basketball will have practice on Friday, March 1st from 4:00 p.m. to 5:15 p.m.

8th Grade Graduation
Due to the snow days and school now being scheduled through June 7th, 8th grade graduation has been moved to Thursday, June 6th. There will be more info to follow as we get closer.