The Kickapoo Ares School District is seeking substitutes for the food service, special education aide, secretary,
and custodial departments. Anyone interested in subbing in any of these areas can contact the
District Office at 608-627-0102, or email kdeaver@kickapoo.k12.wi.us for more information.
The Kickapoo Area School District is an equal opportunity employer.

Reminder to vote in the School Board Primary being held today.

The ACT test is scheduled for tomorrow, February 20th. All Juniors must be present to take it. Should we have inclement weather, it will be rescheduled for a later date.

**Pep-Band Tournament Play** "Added" Pep-Band tonight for the Girl's Regional Basketball Game. Arrive 6:15, Ready by 6:30, Tip off at 7:00.
"Added" Pep Band game for Boy's Regional Home Game. Next Tuesday, Feb 26. Arrive 6:15, Ready by 6:30, Tip off at 7:00

Congratulations to the 2019 Ridge & Valley Girls Basketball Champions!

Elementary Basketball Practices tonight (Feb 13): 6th grade girls 4:00-6:00 HS gym, 5th grade girls 5:00-6:30 Elem gym, 4th grade girls 6:00-7:30 Elem gym, 3rd grade girls 4:30-6:00 Elem gym, 4th grade boys 6:00-7:30 HS gym

School Calendar: School will be extended into June and make up days will be June 3-8th. We will also have school on March 8th, and the early release scheduled for April 10th will be a full student day. We may also have to add more minutes to the school day in the future.

School is canceled for Wednesday, February 13, staff to report at 9 am for professional development day. Staff check your e-mail for further instructions.

Feb 12 * HS Girls Basketball @ De Soto - POSTPONED TO WED FEB 13 Varsity ONLY at 5:30pm @ De Soto * MS Girls Basketball @ Ithaca - CANCELLED * All practices CANCELLED.

School is canceled for Feb, 12.

Kickapoo Boys Basketball defeats Hillsboro 62-61 on last second 3/4 court shot in overtime by Wyland Wagner! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GdOuQZ3Dkj4

We will start with a two hour delay tomorrow morning Tuesday, February 12. Let’s hope we can have school!

Feb 11 Boys Basketball start times at home will be 4:30pm for JV and 5:45pm for varsity. Weather permitting.

Monday Feb 11, 2019 - All Girls Basketball at Weston will start 30 min ahead of schedule. MS and JV at 5:30 and Varsity at 6:45pm. Boys basketball home against Hillsboro will also start early, exact times TBA tonight or right away in the morning. All events weather permitting.

Thursday, Feb 7, 2019 - MS & HS Girls Basketball - Kickapoo @ Weston - POSTPONED to Monday, Feb 11 Same times. MS WR @ De Soto - CANCELLED

School is closed for Thursday, February 7th

School is 2 hours late for Thursday February 7th.

All elementary practices at 6 p.m. are cancelled, Sorry!

Practices will be held right after school. 4th and 5th grade basketball practice at 6 p.m. is cancelled. The choir will not be making the trip to Westby this evening, all due to freezing rain.

MS Girls Basketball has been moved to Weston on Thursday so both the MS & HS teams play in the same location, and those families with multiple children only have one place to be. Fingers crossed the weather cooperates!