REMINDER OF SIGN DEADLINE TOMORROW: If anyone in the community would like to order a yard sign they should email or call them at 637-3868. The cost is $10. If ordering by email, the email needs to include name, address, and phone number. All payments are due at the time of purchase, and orders need to be picked up directly from Proline. The deadline for the orders is Wednesday, May 12th..
almost 5 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
We Love Our Seniors
6:00pm - Public Hearing 6:30pm - Expense Review 7:00pm - Regular Meeting Live Feed Link:
almost 5 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
May 10-16 is National Hospital Week! We celebrate hospitals & healthcare workers across the nation who are committed to improving the health of our communities! It is more important now than ever to honor these incredible men & women, & say THANK YOU for all that you do!
almost 5 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
May is Mental Health Awareness month. 1 in 5 adults and 1 in 6 youth experience a mental health condition (National Alliance on Mental Health). If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health and need help, please feel free to reach out to any school personnel and we will try to help you find the resources to meet your needs. Resources are available on the school website Mental Health Resources-Kickapoo Schools. If you are in distress, a 24/7 hotline option is 800-273-TALK (8255) or in case of an emergency, please dial 911. You are not alone!
almost 5 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
Senior updates... Senior signs and graduation apparel will be delivered today! If nobody happens to be home, the Josten's order will be left outside your door. Senior banners will be put up on the baseball fence next week. Thanks to Mrs. Goodrich and Mr. and Mrs. Wiegel for helping with the delivery today! Congrats 2020 Kickapoo Seniors! We are proud of you!
almost 5 years ago, Aaron Mithum
Congratulations to the following high school students for maintaining a 3.5 cumulative GPA to be selected for induction into the National Honor Society.
almost 5 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
Attention Seniors! A reminder to please get any pictures you would like in the Senior video to Josefine by May 18th. We want to be able to play this on the school website on May 22nd. Please email at Thank you!
almost 5 years ago, Aaron Mithum
Happy Teacher Appreciation Week! We would like to take the time to thank the Kickapoo Staff for all the great things they do! The extra efforts to make a difference for Every Kid Every Day are unsurpassed and greatly appreciated. Their ability to be flexible in the current learning environment and do their best to help each student be as successful as possible has been phenomenal. We are so thankful for the staff we have and all that they do! If you have a special teacher that has made a difference in your life we encourage you to take time this week to thank them with an email or a call. Thank You and Go Panthers! Doug, Aaron, Kim and the Kickapoo School Board
almost 5 years ago, Aaron Mithum
Check out what the Kickapoo Elementary staff has been doing!
almost 5 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
Virtual science opportunity for K-2 students THIS Thursday. Please see the attached flyer for more info!
almost 5 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
Rock 'N Read Live: Science Edition
As a result of the overwhelming generosity of people who responded to the "Feeding the Future" fundraiser initiated by Ronda Coleman-Christensen, a former graduate of Kickapoo, over $2,500 worth of overdue lunch balances were paid in full! The Kickapoo Area School District would like to thank everyone who donated to this fundraiser that benefited so many families in our community.
almost 5 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
We miss your kids.
almost 5 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
We miss your kids
Congrats to Kickapoo High School on being named a 2020 U.S. News & World Report Best High School.  By earning a national ranking in the top 40%, Kickapoo High School achieved status as a U.S. News and World Report Best High School.  Kickapoo High School has been named a U.S. News and World Report Best High School each year but one, since 2007.  In 2007, 2012,  2014 and 2017 they were named a Silver Award Winner.   Go Panthers! 
almost 5 years ago, Aaron Mithum
Picture 2
almost 5 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
Picture 2
Picture 1
almost 5 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
Rainbow 1
Huge thank you to Heather McCauley for some awesome pictures. Enjoy!
almost 5 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
UPDATED! Ridge and Valley Academic All - Conference Team Congrats to the following Seniors for being named! They were selected based on the their ACT scores and cumulative G.P.A. First Team - Josefine Jaynes and Holland Bohan Second Team - Ireland Wiegel and Megan Greenfield Honorable Mention - Damian Kleinsasser WE ARE VERY PROUD OF ALL OF YOU!
almost 5 years ago, Aaron Mithum
Ridge and Valley Academic All - Conference Team Congrats to the following Seniors for being named! They were selected based on the their ACT scores and cumulative G.P.A. First Team - Josefine Jaynes and Holland Bohan Second Team - Ireland Wiegel Honorable Mention - Damian Kleinsasser WE ARE VERY PROUD OF ALL OF YOU!
almost 5 years ago, Aaron Mithum
A quick shout out to our food service staff and support staff who have made and delivered over 6,000 meals since the school shutdown started. Thank you to the team doing this work!
almost 5 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
The open enrollment application period, originally scheduled to end April 30, has been extended to May 29. An online application process is available at: Questions? Please call the District Office at 627-0102 or
almost 5 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools