Dear Elementary Wrestling Parents,
The rest of the elementary wrestling season will be cancelled. The elementary meet at Boscobel for this Saturday, 3/14, is also cancelled along with our home meet for next week Thursday. Thank you to everyone for coming out this year.
Coach Clements

Winter Sports Awards Night - March 24, 2020 - 6:00pm - Auditorium

Kickapoo/La Farge High School Track and Field Clothing Store is now open until 11:59 PM, Monday, March 23. Please use the following link: https://kickapoolafargetr20.itemorder.com/sale

Congratulations to the Boys & Girls Basketball Teams, the passionate students & fans, & the entire Kickapoo community on great seasons! Win or lose, it was always done with class & respect! Be extremely proud to wear Black, Red, & White. #proudtobeapanther

Congrats to the Panther Boys on their 55-53 win over Southwestern! They advance to the Regional Final tomorrow night at Potosi at 7:00pm. There are NO ADVANCED SALES. Doors open at 6:00pm. Tickets are $5 at the door. There will be a spectator bus free of charge leaving at 5:00pm...sign up here: https://forms.gle/1278MmkZbe6akNSD6 GO PANTHERS!

Congrats to the Boys Basketball Team for their win over Cassville on Tuesday night! They advance to play Southwestern at home tomorrow at 7:00pm. Hope to see you there!

We are READY to CELEBRATE Read Across America!

Those of you that were not able attend tonight's game can watch a live-stream of the game at the link below. There is a fee of $5 per user to stream the game online. https://www.eyeintheskysports.com/live-singular-event-hs.php?e=82144

Clarification on the live feed of tonight’s game. It is NOT free and costs $7 per user. Tickets to the game are only $5. We would MUCH rather see you at the game to create an environment as much like home as possible. Still room on the free fan bus as well! GO PANTHERS!

GBB Regional Final Reminders: SPEC BUS - There will be a spectator bus leaving from the school at 5:45pm sharp! If you already signed up last night at the game, there is no need to sign up again. Still plenty of room! The bus is free, but you must have a ticket to the game or buy one at the door for $5. Sign up here: https://forms.gle/y4f24ayBkEn3AWb69
TICKETS - Tickets will be on sale from 10:00am to 10:30am at the Kickapoo HS Gym Doors. $5 each. You can also sign up for the spec bus at that time. GO PANTHERS!

Congrats to the Girls Basketball team on advancing to the Regional Final tomorrow (Saturday) at Wauzeka @ 7:00pm. Advance tickets will be available at Kickapoo HS Gym Doors from 10:00am to 10:30am. They will also be available at the door in Wauzeka. GO PANTHERS!

If you ordered Conference Champion T-shirts, you may pick them up at the school with Sam Geary.

The yearly high school ski trip is next Wednesday, March 4th, at Mt. LaCrosse. Forms and payment are due tomorrow, Friday, February 28th, as a count of how many are going is needed.

Congrats to the Girls Basketball team on their win over Wonewoc-Center last night. They advance to play at home on Friday against Highland @ 7:00pm. Tickets are again $5 for all ($1 under 6). Hope to see you all there and GO PANTHERS! https://halftime.wiaawi.org/CustomApps/Tournaments/Brackets/HTML/2020_Basketball_Girls_Div5_Sec3_4.html

One last reminder conference t-shirt orders close at midnight tonight!

RBS sent us a new link for the Girls Basketball Conference shirts: https://kickapoogbbconference20.itemorder.com/

Kickapoo Girls Basketball Conference T-Shirt can be ordered at the link below. The window is only open for one day, and closes at midnight Tuesday so the shirts will arrive to the school on Thursday or Friday. https://kickapoogbbconference20.itemorder.com/

The yearly Ski trip is March 4th at Mt. La Crosse. See Ms. Schullo, Mr Clements or Mrs. Geary for forms and sign up information. Turn forms in on or before this Friday as we are trying to get a count on how many are going.

Seniors: Most scholarships are due by the end of the week. Please see Mr. Donovan if you have any questions on applications.

Just a reminder that we are required to charge admission for all WIAA tournament games. No passes will be accepted. Ticket prices for tomorrow's 7:00pm game is $5 for everyone ($1 under six years old if accompanied by a parent/guardian).