Food Service Note: We are sending out chicken nuggets and tator-tots that need to be cooked so each family will be getting a note with instructions left with their meals today. Please watch for this.

Good Morning - FYI Lunches will be at least 40- 45 minutes late today. We had to wait for the milk truck to arrive! Thanks!

A link to Mrs. Stinson's Resources: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1bk2JXL58TQSbE6gnLSFO1w2jxEQjlziOWCaHAFrEr_I/edit?usp=sharing

Dear Kickapoo Area School District Families,
As we begin day two of off campus learning we wanted to touch base and offer some guidelines to help each day go as smoothly as possible. We are fully aware this is a complete change in delivering your child’s education and realize, now, more than ever, your role as a parent/teacher will be challenged. We encourage you to stay positive, be flexible, and know that none of this is going to be perfect! All any of us can do is the best we can do! With that being said we have listed some guidelines/FAQ below that we hope can be helpful to you during this time.
Hours Per Day? Elementary - 1.5 - 2 MS/HS - 2 -3
Who do I contact with questions? - Your child’s teacher will be your first contact with any questions or concerns. They are available from 8 - 3 each day and will follow up with you in a reasonable amount of time. (End of day emails will be answered the following day.) Some questions will become “themes of misunderstanding” and in the use of time, teachers will address by putting out communications that can answer the same questions from numerous people.
Who do I contact with Technology questions the teacher can’t answer? Please contact Mr. Petersen - kpetersen@kickapoo.k12.wi.us
What should my child’s daily schedule look like? We encourage you to keep some kind of a routine. However, please know that you do not need to stress out over changes that are bound to happen. Kids should strive to focus on getting their assignments completed but also focus on their own well being. This is a traumatic time for their Social Emotional learning as well and we can’t stress enough to take breaks and get outside for some physical activity and fresh air numerous times per day. Make a daily schedule and calendar that works for your house!
How do I know what my child’s grades are? You can still continue to check Skyward. Quarter 3 grades ended last Friday and the current hope is to have report cards sent home later next week. Quarter 4 grades will start on March 31st. We will continue to monitor and discuss concerns around grading effects during this difficult time. We encourage kids to just do their best and stay focused on the specific classroom learning objectives.
Who do I contact if my child is struggling with some of the many issues surrounding this difficult time? Mrs. Stinson (kstinson@kickapoo.k12.wi.us) and Mr. Donovan (bdonovan@kickapoo.k12.wi.us) are both available to talk. Send them an email and they will be able to set up a time to talk with your child via phone or using a social media platform.
Who do I contact if I would like to still get lunches delivered? You can call the Elementary or MS/HS office and they will be able to get you on the list. 627-1494. All meals are free.
mwiegel@kickapoo.k12.wi.us or mrandall@kickapoo.k12.wi.us
Please provide the following info: Parent name, Child(s) name, Age of children (18 & under)
Is it OK for older siblings to help with my child’s instruction? Yes! With many parents still trying to work and teach their children, older siblings can be an amazing resource. MS/HS kids please help your parents!
We will close by saying we understand and know this is a difficult time for everyone. All we can do right now is control the things we can and make the most of the things we can’t. Stay positive and know that we are here to help in any way we can! Please contact us if there is anything you need and know we appreciate all that you are doing!
Aaron Mithum - amithum@kickapoo.k12.wi.us
MS/HS Principal
Kim Johnson - kimjohnson@kickapoo.k12.wi.us
Elementary Principal

Free meal service reminder/clarification: This is open and free to all students in school as well as all district residents 18 & under. Simply contact Melissa Wiegel mwiegel@kickapoo.k12.wi.us or Marla Randall mrandall@kickapoo.k12.wi.us to be added to the route. Please provide the following info: Parent Name, Child(s) Name, Age of child(ren). (18 & under). Melissa or Marla will confirm. Current days lunch & next morning breakfast are delivered between 10:00am and 11:30am.

Free Kickapoo Student Internet (Please share with families who you know may need this.)
Attention Parents:
Vernon Telephone has graciously offered to connect student households, in their service area, for free. (Criteria listed below)
*No current internet customers
*No current internet access
*No requirement for future paid internet services
Although we had compiled a list of these families on the last couple days of school, we want to make sure nobody is forgotten. In an effort to make sure we reach all families, we ask you to please call or email your building principal by the end of the day on Monday. (Please leave your name, child/children’s names and your address.) They will then be able to give names to Vernon Tel to get started on internet installation. Each family will then be able to stop at school next week to pick up a chrome book. (More details on this will come early next week and please be aware of possible changes.)
Kim Johnson
MS/HS - (Grades 6-12)
Aaron Mithum

Just a reminder that the building will be closed on Friday for a cleaning day. No access to the building will be allowed. Please enjoy the weekend.

Food deliveries will start on Monday. We will deliver door to door in a school-identified vehicle from 10:30am to 11:30am. Please place a cooler or box outside your door so the food can be left there. We ask that there is no person to person contact with the delivery personnel.

Just a reminder for Wisconsin voters. Absentee options are available at the link below:

The Viola Methodist Church has a limited number of food essentials and paper products available for
any family residing in the Kickapoo Area School District. The church will be open from 4:00 – 7:30 P.M.
today (3/17/2020). If you are unable to get to the church during this time, you may call 627-1910 and leave a message with your contact information. This is in addition to the regularly scheduled Food Pantry times.

Those wishing to receive free meal service (breakfast & lunch) during the break need to contact the school secretaries by NOON THURSDAY.
This is open to all students in school as well as all district residents 18 & under.
Elementary - Melissa Wiegel - mwiegel@kickapoo.k12.wi.us
MS/HS - Marla Randall - mrandall@kickapoo.k12.wi.us
Please sign-up by NOON THURSDAY and provide the following info: Parent Name, Child(s) Name, Age of child(ren). (18 & under)
We will have more information as we determine the need. There will be drop-off points in Viola and Readstown and door to door deliver for the remote areas. Times TBA. Open-enrolled families will need to get to a drop off point or contact their home district to enquire about options.
This will start on Monday, March 23, pending board approval.

Kickapoo is closed as of the end of the school day Monday.

FREE MEAL SERVICE INFO - Those wishing to receive free meal service (breakfast & lunch) during the break need to contact the school secretaries by 3:00pm on Thursday. This is open to all students in school as well as all district residents 18 & under.
Elementary - Melissa Wiegel - mwiegel@kickapoo.k12.wi.us
MS/HS - Marla Randall - mrandall@kickapoo.k12.wi.us
Please sign-up by 3:00pm on Thursday and provide the following info: Parent Name, Child(s) Name, Age of child(ren). (18 & under)
We will have more information as we determine the need. There will be drop-off points in Viola and Readstown and door to door deliver for the remote areas. Times TBA. Open-enrolled families will need to get to a drop off point or contact their home district to enquire about options.
This will start on Monday, March 23, pending board approval.

Kids Heart Challenge update from the Physical Education Department ~ We will be extending our current Kids Heart Challenge through the week of April 10th. Our current priority is on our community's health. Thank you!

Attention Parents,
If your child/children are not in school this week please know you can still stop in to get any materials out of their locker. In respect to any future assignments please let Marla or Melissa know if you DO NOT have internet access and we will look to send hard copies of work home. If you DO have internet access your child's teachers will be in contact with them through a social media platform about work for 3/23 - 4/3. We will be ending quarter 3 grades this week so the only work for this week will be missing assignments that need to be finished for the Q3 grade. Thank you for your patience and understanding in this difficult time.

Correction e-learning to start Monday, March 23rd.

On Friday, Governor Evers announced the mandated closure of public schools beginning on Wednesday, March 18, in order to give school districts time to make plans for kids, families, educators and staff. School will be closed until April 5th. At this time the district has not been notified of any positive tests in our school community, and has not been advised to shut down immediately, but that does not mean that the virus is absent from our community. If you or your children are symptomatic, please do not send them to school.
Our current plan is to have school on Monday and Tuesday and then to extend our break through the end of the week, with school E-learning resuming on March 30th. Paper copies of assignments are or have been prepared, as well as e-learning experiences for students who have access. Teachers have been working with students throughout the last week on how this will be completed in the event a school closure would happen. This will be a learning curve for all involved including parents, teachers and students.
The district will be posting a school board meeting to be held Tuesday evening to discuss food service during the closure. More information will be forthcoming after that meeting. Please be patient, these are unprecedented circumstances and given constantly evolving information, these plans may change. Parents may excuse their children from attendance on Monday and Tuesday. Please make sure that your child has everything they need to ensure some continuity of instruction beginning on March 30th.

We will be holding school on Monday and Tuesday. Parents who wish to keep their students home on Monday and Tuesday will be excused. School will be closed on March 18 until at least April 6. All extracurricular activities and events are canceled effective immediately until further notice. A detailed document will be published Monday with details regarding all aspects of this closure.

COVID-19 Message from KAS: http://www.kickapoo.k12.wi.us/article/207705?org=kickapoo

Dear Music Students, Parents/Guardians:
We are sorry to say that Monday's Music Festival has been cancelled. The Wisconsin School Music Association thought it best to cancel to help minimize the spread of Covid-19. Kickapoo staff, administration, and music department, will be looking into other performance possibilities for our students. Virtual offerings are being explored through the state music association as well. In the meantime, thank you for your hard work and support! We will keep you posted as we navigate forward.
Kathryn Miller