6th grade orientation - As a reminder 6th grade orientation will be at 6:00 in the auditorium. See you there!

CHEERLEADERS: Your shoes are in. Please stop down to Mrs. Martin's room during the Spaghetti Supper to get them.

Correction: Spaghetti Supper is actually 4:30-6:30pm

ONLINE REGISTRATION: Please visit this link, https://5il.co/9swk, for help with online registration. If you need more assistance, please stop by the MS/HS computer lab tonight between 4-6 p.m.

The HS Band will be having a final practice this Friday, Aug. 30, at 9 am to prepare for the Readstown Labor Day Parade. Band members who were unable to make summer camp should meet in the band room by 8:30 to receive music and flip folders.

Online Registration help will be available from 4-6 p.m. only tonight in the MS/HS computer lab across from the MS/HS office. This needs to be completed for ALL students if you haven't done so already.
The Spaghetti Supper will run from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m.

You can view the 2019-20 Back to School Newsletter here: https://5il.co/9su4

EVENT REMINDER - Spaghetti Supper 4:00pm-6:00pm & Sleepy Hollow Test Drive Event 4:00pm-7:00pm. Before or after you eat tonight, test drive a brand new vehicle from Sleepy Hollow and the school will receive $20 for each test drive from Sleepy Hollow and Ram Trucks! Come out, have a free meal, test drive a vehicle for free, and support the school! Hope to see you tonight!

The facility needs survey will hit resident mailboxes the week of September 9th. This survey will ask for taxpayer feedback on both the swimming pool and track projects. The district will mail copies of the survey to the open enrolled families, this way we will also be able to gain their feedback in this process.

AP ENGLISH STUDENTS: AP English will meet at 7:15 a.m. the first day of school. A composition notebook is recommended for this class.

Online student registration will be open August 22nd. We have created an online registration for parents to complete instead of filling out the paper copies of the registration form. A registration form must be completed for EACH student. To complete the online registration, log into your Skyward Family Access account (Link on our website under Students – Skyward Access). Once logged-in, click on the Online Registration button and begin. Please remember to complete each step and register each student. If you forgot or don’t know your password, please call Marla at the MS/HS office at (608) 627-0100 or Melissa Wiegel at the Elementary Office at (608() 627-0107. Come to the open house/spaghetti supper night on August 28th from 4:30-6:30PM! We will have the MS/HS computer lab open for anyone wishing to complete their registration then. We will have someone assisting you if you need help. Thanks much and welcome back!

The Epitaph headline stating Mrs Johnson is leaving as elementary Principal is inaccurate. Mrs. Johnson has accepted an interview with Viroqua, but the process is not complete.

One week away!!! A reminder for ALL BAND students that band camp will be August 19-23. Scheduled times are as follows:
High School Percussion: 10:00-12:30
High School Full Band: 10:30-12:30
Middle School Percussion: 1:00-3:00
Middle School Full Band: 1:30-3:00
Attendance is necessary as we will be working on music and formations for the quickly approaching parades and football games. Plan on attending because EVERY member is important to the success of the full band. Please contact Mr. Smith if you have questions. I'm excited to see you all soon!!

Last Minute Sports Physicals @ the La Farge Clinic. Friday, August 16th from 9am to noon. Please call ahead.

A reminder to all elementary wrestlers that signed up for the wrestling camp that it's next Monday and Tuesday, 8/12 & 8/13. There is a slight change to the schedule for both days. Pre-K & Kindergarten will go as scheduled from 9:00-10:30am. 4th & 5th grade will now be joining the middle age group due to numbers. So 1st through 5th grades will go from 11:00am-12:30pm. Camp will be in the elementary cafeteria where practice is normally held. If you haven't paid for you child's shirt yet, please bring $15. Thank you and we hope to see everyone there. Coach Clements

MS Football practice will begin, Monday, August 26 with times yet TBD. We will push out that information as soon as we get it.

Football Practice Reminder - Monday, Aug 5, 4:30pm to 7:30pm - Tuesday to Friday, 5:30pm to 7:30pm. Reminder to register online and bring your physical or alternate year card with you.

Strength and Conditioning for the remainder of this week, Wednesday and Friday, is still 2 sessions. Next week, Monday-Wednesday-Friday, is just one session, 7 a.m. to 9 a.m.

14U baseball game on Saturday at La Farge against Coon Valley starts at 9:00 AM. Players should be there by 8:30.

Basketball Camp Physical Clarification - Students who had a physical in the 2017-18 or 2018-19 school year are good to go for the camp. That should be everyone unless you have never had a physical before (6th graders).