REMINDER - Basketball Camp - July 29th & 30th - 8:00am-11:00am is grades 6-8. 11:30am-2:30pm is grades 9-12.
over 5 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
Members of the Viroqua Plastic Organization visited Kickapoo Summer Camp classes in efforts to raise awareness of plastic pollution, and offer education and guidance on available alternatives.
over 5 years ago, Kim Johnson
Adventures Class
Adventures Class learning to recycle and reduce the use of plastic.
Identifying ways to reduce the use of plastic water bottles.
$75K grant will support mental health services at Kickapoo and LaFarge Schools!! On July 11, the State Department of Public Instruction awarded nearly $75,000 for mental health services to a consortium formed by the Kickapoo and LaFarge Area School Districts. A letter from State Superintendent Carolyn Stanford Taylor to the Consortium dated July 11 read that the grant had been funded at the full requested amount of $74,750 for the next two years. “The number of applicants and the amount requested to support student mental health far exceeded the amount allocated for this purpose,” the notice of award stated. “Considering the intense competition and thorough review process, you should be proud that your application received approval.” Through the grant, Kickapoo and LaFarge Area Schools will be able to increase access to mental health treatment for students through the creation of referral pathways and collaboration with community-based mental health providers. Many community partners will contribute toward this work, Scenic Bluffs Community Health Centers, Vernon Memorial Healthcare, Stonehouse Counseling, and the Vernon County Trauma Task Force. The grant will also support expanded capacity for school staff, parents, and community partners to serve children and youth with mental health needs through improving literacy in mental health and prevention and intervention strategies. Students in consortium schools will learn how to manage stress and anxiety through mindfulness, yoga, and other curriculum. Parent training and community events will help reduce stigma and share resources. Staff will participate in professional development opportunities such as Youth Mental Health First Aid and Crisis Prevention and Intervention. The grant was written by the elementary principals and school psychologists at each district. This team is looking forward to continuing to work together to serve children and families in their respective districts.
over 5 years ago, Kim Johnson
Students of the Kickapoo School District can pick up “snack bags” at the Viola Public Library 137 S Main Street, Viola and the Readstown Public Library 129 Wisconsin Ave, Readstown between 2pm and 4pm on the following days: Tuesday July 30 Friday August 2 Tuesday August 6 Friday, August 9 Tuesday August 13 Friday August 16 Tuesday August 20 Friday August 23 Tuesday August 27 Friday August 30
over 5 years ago, Kim Johnson
Summer Strength and Conditioning is also cancelled for Friday, July 19th.
over 5 years ago, Aaron Mithum
Due to the heavy rains and multiple washouts there will be no summer school for Friday, July 19th.
over 5 years ago, Aaron Mithum
Due to the expected heat index, ALL baseball/softball practices and games are canceled for Thursday, July 18th and Friday, July 19th.
over 5 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
These are the game times for this weekend 14U Saturday July 20th @10:30 12U Sunday July 21st @9:00 There is NO BUS for this tournament. Be sure to have the girls to the field in Gays Mills 30 mins before game time. This is single elimination tournament so if we lose, we’re done.
over 5 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
12U Tournament Bracket
14U Tournament Bracket
8U Baseball on Wednesday at La Farge will start at 7:00pm and be moved to the baseball field in La Farge.
over 5 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
Babysitters Meet and Greet Thursday, July 25, 5:30-7:00 p.m. in the elementary cafeteria. All families welcome! Future babysitters seeking to meet with families looking for caregivers. Snacks, games and fun for all!
over 5 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
Summer baseball game times for July 17th in Viola have changed. 10U plays at 2:00, 12U plays at 3:00 and 14U will play at 4:30.
over 5 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
2019 K-LF FOOTBALL CAMP - July 23-25 - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - 5:30pm to 7:30pm - @ Kickapoo High School
over 5 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
REMINDER: The 14U game at home today vs Royall starts at 4:00 so everyone should plan to arrive at the field by 3:30.
over 5 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
On July 25th, The La Farge Clinic will have a provider available in the clinic from 8am to 3pm for those needing sports physicals who may have missed the previous event. These will be subject to billing to insurance (well child check is covered for most) and the WIAA paperwork can be completed. They may have another offering in the first part of August as well and we will share when we can.
over 5 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
Lee Griffin Scholarship recipients: Please note that effective immediately all scholarship verification items should be sent to Ms. Harrell at or to her attention at the mailing address on the form. Ms. Grand is no longer your contact for the scholarship. Thank you
over 5 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
over 5 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
Reminder: Summer School Swim Bus Drop Off Places/Times: Viola Village Office: 2:00 Viola School: 2:15 Readstown: 2:00 West Lima: 2:15
over 5 years ago, Kim Johnson
Reminder to parents: there is NO T-BALL tonight. Shirts are in and will be handed out next week.
over 5 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
PROM COURT PHOTO NEEDED: If anyone has a picture of the Prom Court from this Spring, please send it to Mr. Starkey at as soon as possible. He needs it for the yearbook supplement.
over 5 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools
SOFTBALL FOR TUESDAY, JULY 2nd: Due to wet field conditions, and projected rain for the afternoon, the games at home today against Coon Valley are cancelled. Practice for 14U is also cancelled.
over 5 years ago, Kickapoo Area Schools